Sunday 27 May 2018

Sea Turtle False Crawls & Nests

Image may contain: sky, ocean, outdoor, nature and waterAbove a crawl on St Pete Beach - picture courtesy of Sea Turtle Trackers.

For Sea Turtle die hards, click for a video of another long and very unusual false crawl across man-made structures - no she didn't make a nest/lay eggs that night in May 2018; thanks to Kim for taking the video. As of yesterday  nests on St Pete Beach and 6 on Shell Key.  Turtle season has started!

And we are happy to report our first next outside our own condo further up the beach! Yipee! And thanks to Mary/Diane for the photo.  Remember leave the beach clean, flat, dark - no lights to be shined at nesting mammas or anywhere near a nest!

We are now under a Tropical Storm Warning with coastal flooding expected, so let's hope  Alberto doesn't wash over any of our nests.

UPDATE:  Looks like the nest was spared . . . although hard to tell if the water seeped in underneath the top layer of sand ... only time will tell for sure --
Thanks to Kathy for this picture