Saturday 12 September 2015


our activities often draw the curious
Three days after the nest boils (ie hatches), the permit holder does an inventory, digging into the nest to count the eggs. This is the official count sent to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation (FWC) usually done at dusk. Once counted, the eggs are reburied into the sand for beach nourishment.

low tech notes but it works!
We have 5 categories of eggs: hatched, unhatched, live [still in nest], pipped live, pipped dead. Unhatched eggs may not have been fertilized or didn't develop after being laid - it happens.

They're energetic; not good for pics!
Sometimes we find a live one still in the nest left behind by his brothers and sisters (Ahh). This one was released that same evening into the Gulf of Mexico.

And just the other day we found some pipped live - that is only partially emerged from the shell. These had to fully emerge, and then 'un-kink' themselves before release. (note these pictures are from different nests!).
pipped live; released once out of their shells
as seen in many cartoon drawings ;-)
Surfing Gull at top of picture
Back at our condo, we see a cormorant has taken up local residence and comes for a daily bath in the surf, whilst a gull surfs the waves; he stayed out using his wings for balance for a good 5 minutes.

CMA staff closing the cage
What about our nest?  CMA continues to patrol daily and closes the restraining cage door each evening at sunset on the nest just out front of our condo.

But we are now on day 68 and I fear the baby turtles have drown. Soon CMA will dig up the nest, they may find rotten eggs or ... then we shall know for sure.  I am surprised not to see any ghost crab holes into the nest as turtle eggs are a tasty treat for them and they have no hesitation to burrow down and bring them up for a feast.

The crowd awaits Ozzy
On a brighter note, we had some local excitement as a juvenile loggerhead named Ozzy was rehabilitated (from fishing line and a crab trap) and released with a tracker on its back on Wednesday of this week.  

The scrum

It is good publicity for the CMA, so there was a bit of a frenzy on the day.  

Here's what mini me could see . . .
There's a turtle in there somewhere

Ozzy:  CMA photo
and here's the official photo and a great video of the same event.  

You should know loggerheads can bite . . .

[look closely to see life sized me in the video]

We had the privilege of being up early to go to Shell Key the other day - lovely sunrise . . . and storms bring beautiful sunsets!  Good Night.


  1. Wow,what a media frenzy....still can't believe those little cuties grow into something the size of Ozzy!

  2. Great sunset young lady!!! Ozzy is massive - lets hope all the little ones stay alive long enough to grow that big!!

  3. Well the little ones ended up in the Mote turtle hospital (Sarasota) with a bit of physical therapy to get their flippers moving.
