Monday 15 February 2016

Cold Stunned Turtles & The Great Blue
From the beginning of this year, the weather has been cooler and wetter than average. Very windy too bringing extremely high tides up to our parking garage. Our British neighbors even thought the skies looked like England. All this means ... over 150 cold stunned sea turtles; they don't tolerate sea temperatures in the 50s (10 C) so they need rescuing!

We saw snow (and deer in the backyard) this past weekend, but admittedly it was during our trip to North Carolina - and it didn't stick much on the ground nor last for long.

Mini Me loves watching the Great Blue Heron fly along the shoreline with its long legs sticking out the back of his body straight as an arrow. According to our local bird sanctuary, the heron has three toes in the front and one toe in the back of its foot. The three forward toes are not in alignment, sticking out slightly to give the heron greater stability to walk in deep mud and water making it easier to hunt.

'Don't Bro Me if you don't Know Me!
It was hubby's birthday and behold Tim Dorsey, the author of the Tampa book 'Triggerfish Twist,' was speaking at our local library - a 5 minute walk away. So off we went; Tim's books are based on real life and the stories he told that didn't make the book were even more outrageous than the ones in the book.  If you want to know what it is like living here - read the book!  One may think - 'No, this couldn't be ...' but yup it is our everyday life. At the book signing afterwards, I got this picture of Tim (right) along with this great t-shirt (not worn by my hubby).

Hidden in the middle - US!
After the library talk we went to the Texas Roadhouse for a birthday celebratory dinner.  Upon exiting into the rainy night, we found our car - sandwiched between two souped up pick-up trucks looking like a dinky or hot wheels toy - we couldn't stop laughing! Seriously though it can be hazardous driving alongside such big vehicles which block one's line of sight to the remainder of the road.

Great indoor weather for completing the lap quilt for my neighbour - made with love if not perfect 1/4" seams! She cried when I gave it to her as it incorporates her mother-in-law's four dresden plate hand pieced flowers. It has a flannel backing to keep her cozy in this cooler weather.  Now back to a few projects for my condo!


  1. Love the quilt. Best reaction a little tear, in a nice way!!!!!!! Sad news about how the turtles.... Good to see they have you watching out for them. Happy belated birthday Philip! See you both soon. Not long now.

  2. So will you be making quilts for chilled turtles now??

    Belated Hicky Burpy to mr Minime

  3. Now there's an idea! Maybe quilted from seaweed??
