Monday 28 March 2016

Beach as Living Room

A recent dinner out with our dining group at a new restaurant gave us this unusual flat screen TV/wall decor - and yup you guessed it the company was great, but the food . . . well my appetizer was tasty, but the main course never arrived!

Back home, those new hurricane-rated windows necessitated a change to my window coverings; I believe I am the first US installation of a Louvolite Vision Blind!  I love it.  You must watch it in operation -- here.

Out my windows overlooking the beach I have plenty to see. Well most of the time - a very dense fog rolled in one night.  At daybreak I couldn't even see the sea which is only 125 feet (~40 metres) from my window! It cleared a bit as you can see, but unusually hung about for 2 days!

High winds on the Gulf have played havoc with the swim buoys. They mark the area for boats to avoid at the public beach just north of us. Several times the buoys have ended up outside our window - here's one being retrieved. It took 5 young strong guys to hoist the buoy weight onto the bed of that pickup.

High winds and tides also mean more work for the beach rakers who are out in force.  It is also fun for the kite gliders, kite flyers and assorted watercraft . . . although one glider seemed unable to control his kite, lost his surfboard, and mini me almost called 911 (999 in the UK).

I wanta do this says mini me
Where's my board?
Woman on right helped him get the kite down
Plenty of time for building castles or pyramids in the sun. The birds are mating and the osprey building nests again - although capturing them on film with wrack in their talons is a bit harder ...

Some creations are truly fantastic AND it's almost turtle season!

Catch ya later . . . oops and then one dead one washed up on our shores Easter Monday . . . confirmed it is a sub adult Kemp's Ridley Turtle - rare and endangered - with a boat strike as cause of death; he was carted off by the CMA. Not something you want to see out the window!

But we had a fantastic Easter lamb meal with condo friends complete with Easter bunnies (see how to make your own here).


  1. Blimey- even I'd need a funky blind to shut that fog out.
    Good job the sun comes back quickly

  2. Those blinds are pretty neat, prevents daylight coming in too. Would have appreciated them during my post night shifts sleep.

  3. Those blinds are pretty neat, prevents daylight coming in too. Would have appreciated them during my post night shifts sleep.
