Thursday 1 November 2018

'Tis the Season - Nov 6th

'Tis the season - yes for Halloween (big in the USA) and pumpkins . . . but also for electioneering! Red tide features in the state campaigns  as it is still with us - or should I say it comes and goes depending on the winds and Gulf currents.

stacks of campaign literature fill our mailbox
We received well over 100 pieces of campaign mail in the past month.  Mostly negative ads against opponents I must say. We also had a number of local and state constitutional amendments, so our ballet was 3 pages long - two-sided and legal/foolscap sized!

So on we go with our basket making - here's how the Josephine turned out. Now it is on to charity baskets for various holidays. And back to quilting.

Daily beach clean-ups, monitoring for dead sea life from red tide, continue as does the family history research. My family tree keeps growing, just like the red tide bloom!

we've had rougher seas recently
a labor of love - literally!
pencil is for size 

and I just have to share this sunset picture with you! Happy November!
31st October

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