Sunday 29 March 2020

Upside to Corona USA & UK

It's a bit quieter on the beach, but still... too many people need to learn what social distancing means and how to be kind to others ...

Anyone made a mask yet?

And how many hours have you spent on Zoom or Skype or Teams or At least I am learning new tech skills!

In the meantime we, along with 300 million others in the USA,  received this in the post - pictured here for my UK friends.

We still hear and see planes overhead, although our governor has tried to close Florida to New Yorkers, NJ, CT and Louisiana where virus is the worst. Gov DeSantis suspended new vacation rentals, and put checkpoints in place on roads and airports.

So this ''regrow your veggies''
experiment might not be working
I found my list of positives in these times of perturbation  (ie the virus); we have:
  1. Time to study/experiment/learn new things (tech, word perturbation, something always wanted to learn) and get those required CE (continuing education) hours done. Just know not all attempts work out (see left & 18 March post) - LOL
  2. Less  traffic, cheaper petrol, good for the environment
  3. Focus on being more frugal and more discerning in our consumerism with less waste (try using your paper towels and plastic bags twice, but I make no comment on TP!)
  4. Motivation out of boredom with time to de-clutter, wash windows, clean, etc
  5. Time to craft (see below - try not to get too carried away ...)
  6. Less social pressure (as no one sees most of you) to dress up and wear makeup - easy on the wardrobe (OK, good to look presentable on social media and video chats)
  7. Less human interference with wildlife, e.g. turtles nesting on our beaches-read about India here
  8. Appreciate and marvel in the kindness of strangers and those positive segments on TV news
  9. Share a laugh [Re]connect with family and friends - there is a positive side to tech and social media!
  10. Space & time to be lazy -- Oh, I mean relax -- and enjoy a good book
  11. Mental energy and space to write personal Christmas cards and recipients have time/motivation to read them - job done early!
  12. Appreciation of old routines and how they structures our  days/weeks/months. So if you are missing this, you might consider creating some new structure to your time.
This put it a bit better - thanks for sharing CD!

This was posted on NextDoor today from our local police constable in Hammersmith & Fulham, London, UK. It is one of the best messages I have seen on the subject, so decided to share. For my US friends, what you need to know is many UK parks are closed. London is under a 'Stay at Home' (ie lockdown) order banning people from leaving home except for a few essential reasons -- which does allow outdoor exercise once a day. By contrast, we are under a 'Safer At Home'order here in west central Florida.

Good Morning All, We will be back out on patrol today. Yesterday whilst out my colleagues and I met many people still out and about. Just to confirm a few things:
1. Sunbathing in an open space doesn't count as exercise once a day.
2. Working from home doesn't mean going to a sunny open space and working from there. I appreciate this won't be relevant to many of you. But please don't go out unless needed as stated in Government Advice.
There are many of you asking us questions regarding parks being closed. This is the decision of the council. There are some which remain open for the time being. But this being said, if you abuse it you may end up losing it. So think before you grab a towel and spend the day in the sun in an open space. These actions could result in them being closed. If everyone all goes out when needed and for the right reasons we can continue to enjoy these places when you choose to exercise
In forensic science, Locard's principle holds that the perpetrator of a crime will bring something into the crime scene and leave with something from it, and that both can be used as forensic evidence.
 "Every contact leaves a trace "
Apply this to someone who may have Coronavirus without knowing and continues on with life as usual. They will leave a trace of the virus whether it is symptoms or the virus itself. We have all read the news and perhaps seen first hand the effects of this virus.
So please think before you act. If you have to question if something is essential then it probably isn't. Have a good day.

If that wasn't enough to cheer and calm you, then try my friend Carol's photography expo here. I think we should set it to music as a mediation!
So  I am off to craft - LOL  and wash windows and clean out drawers and ... all those things one never has time for ... look on the bright side.  I finished what was for me a very frustrating basket - never mind the side walls didn't flare out like intended!

But no I will not be making one of these! If, however, you want to here's the link and credit - click.

And out my window ... in addition to the Spring Break crew some of whom are still here -

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