Friday 29 May 2020

The Big One that Got Away: Bugs & Stuff

Ever heard of the 'beneficial' insect called ant-lions or doodle bugs? They mark the earth like a doodling artist.  Mini me is not sure she has ever seen one in any stage of their lifecycle, but they are in Florida.  Check them out here.

Here's what it looked like on the beach on Memorial Day weekend (this holiday was originally Decoration Day after the Civil War when mourners decorated grave sites).

This guy attracted a crowd thinking; with a bent fishing rod, he had caught the big one . . . until he swam out to the sandbar and came back empty handed ---

-- maybe stolen by this pirate?
Here's a little info-graphic in case you are wondering about turtle v tortoise:

Mini me is suffering from the 'infodemic' - or a tsunami of [pandemic] misinformation!  Many are kind, but others yell at those wearing masks !?! Seems 'anything goes' these days - something set from the top ... 

Disney and other theme parks in Florida are now planning to open mid July. Yesterday (5/28) the county lifted social distancing requirements on the beaches with less sheriff patrols and more 'self policing.' Normal operations now at pools.

Wonder if these will become the artifacts of the 21st century?

As seen on Facebook, but then America's "sheer size and tradition of individual liberty" make it
unlikely we will have a successful "test, trace and isolate" program says Matthew Continetti.
Relative to many countries, the US has had a places, but not people lock down - now lifting rapidly. The UK, for example, has locked down both people and places, with a much slower evolution/ loosening of lock down.

More quilting fun!

The Frigate birds, that hate getting wet, have been flying low over the water in small groups - something we don't usually see; I think they were fishing.

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