Sunday 23 August 2020

The Gulp Coast

Well I never, but a British friend forwarded an article which names this stretch of Florida beach as the 'Gulp Coast' due to it's microbreweries ... and ... I name it the Gulp Coast due to the Trumptilla Boat Parade, read about it here. What a sight of thousands of boats streaming past on a Saturday morning, Trump banners blowing in the wind going for The Guinness Book of World Records, which they got with 2,200 boats.

I keep thinking we have seen it all out our window onto the Gulf, but no  Last week we finally had a manatee swim past (water temp is 90F/ 32C) and yesterday a jumping fish frenzy (picture by which resulted in a bird frenzy as they tried to catch the fish.  Underneath the water was a black blob of something unknown that we think drove the fish to the surface - could even be sharks.

Another Gulp, is our increased use of plastic during coronavirus - EEKKKK! So much for that brief 2 month window of helping the planet. Speaking of coronavirus, we now have "mask slacking;"  Apparently People balked at masks in 1918, too. And some say COVID-19 mortality on par with peak of 1918 pandemic followed by Survival does not mean fully recovery! Do masks work?  Surgeons and dentists wear masks - what do you think?

Numerous new phrases we have are just too much, but apparently 'help us cope' as language 'unites' - 
no masks, no 6 feet, but at least outside
don't even mention the 'new normal,' 'back to normal' (a ridiculous concept), or unprecedented (it's not - read about 1918 or the plague) to me! How about re-imagine (used throughout Democratic National Convention with few specifics) or Cory Booker's phrase  'national nightmare?' "We're in this together" seems to be fading from use, but the new TV adverts -- in the USA there aren't really any government public service announcements on what to do the health care groups have taken up the charge -- at least try to give some practical advice .

 I am doing staying home almost all the time and limiting contact to just 1-2 people at a 'social distance' - - guess that's called sheltering in place (but note not a good idea for those living on a barrier island if a hurricane comes along)? Or perhaps I have a "mini me social bubble" ( apparently also known as a pod, or a "quaranteam,")? I don't think the USA and UK concepts of 'social bubble' are at all the same.  It is reported that during the 1918 pandemic, women wore over-sized hats to keep people away - sounds easier than the hoop skirt!' 

The Telegraph reports Megan is having issues "speaking British as an American."  Not sure I sympathize, but I do know what is meant causing mirth/confusion by 'slipping into British idioms' to American friends/whilst living in the USA.

A summer slump calls for some inventive pastimes --Here's the new St Pete pier which replaced the pyramid - do you think it is an improvement? From pictures, I would say the new pier looks better at night - especially the 'fishing net' thing to the right.! And of course this coming week the Republican Convention is on for four nights - yippee!?!

New Pier
Old Pier

My craft projects remain 'under wraps' as they are presents, but here's a picture of our daily summer thunderstorms.

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