Tuesday 22 September 2020

"We are Flirting with Danger"

"We are Flirting with Danger" in oh so many ways - presidential election, politically both sides agree on this, but the exact danger each side sees is polar opposites! And then the coronavirus pandemic, weather extremes (went to zoom presentation on 'controlled burns') and ... ah well... back to the mundane -->

-->Lysol disinfecting dash of 15 September:  Friend texted "they have disinfecting wipes" and I was out the door to snag my first supply in months!  Wow wee got there in time and made my COVID-19 day - how sad is that?  But I figure another surge may be coming so doing all I can to be prepared despite the lower positive test rate here recently.

Mini me has taken to a news holiday on Saturdays and finds this uplifts her mood along with swims in the pool, which reminds me ...

Through September 21

turtle nest with light screen
. . .we are so thankful the hurricanes have missed us to date.  Tropical Storm ( become a hurricane) Sally passed us by 125 miles offshore on the 13th, so all we have is big waves and a bit of wind ...for 5 days!

Our typical rainy season includes lots of thunder and lightening storms reminding me of a childhood saying 'the angels are bowling' and getting lots of strikes I might add! Plus preceding and following a tropical storm we have had what I call humidity pea-soupers or what the TV weatherman calls 'air you can wear!'  It is worse than trying to swim, just walking about in the dense humid conditions - thank goodness for air conditioning (a/c).

Turtle season is winding down, above you can see the big waves of Sally trying to attack this nest, which unusually has both a light screen and a self-releasing (ie big holes) cage around it.  Here you can see it did hatch on night of 14/15th.

turtle nest hatching hole in center of cage

Our beach walk (generally in the rain or just after a storm when beach is empty) turns up a few things ...

. . . we watched this gull try to eat this seahorse for quite awhile (hubby got a great picture),

tasty seahorse dinner, but hard to swallow

and this is a non-stinging (thankfully) moon jelly - our beach is full of them!

The mask hospital was open here recently as I repaired our first set of masks and made a couple more - think we are going to be wearing these for awhile.

Not watching the news is helping to save me from swimming in the sea of mediocrity (I even have made an action motion for this) which is seemingly sweeping the world -I do suffer the  COVID grumpies and weariness trying to anticipate the actions (or inaction) of others.

left = friend Jan; right = mine

On a cheerier note:  here's a craft project I can share as I am keeping it for myself!  I really love this basket.

This along with trying out new recipes (mainly salads some of which I make up on the spot with whatever is in the fridge!) &baking keeps me more or less sane.

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