Saturday 25 October 2014

What can you Find on a Beach?

Smelly Sponge!
Mini me is constantly amazed by what she sees and finds on the beach.
Sea Fan,, Turkey Wing, Pen Shell

Here's a selection of recent finds and sights.

Ones on the right were found by sis on her visit here.

All are very smelly, so were only saved by way of a photograph - such a shame as I have a big jar to display all my beach finds!

And life size me found some dune plants that haven't exactly agreed with her -- so much for the good deed of picking trash out of  the dunes on Beach Clean-Up Saturday! However that didn't stop her from going on to volunteer for the 9 November Chowder Challenge.
Red, itchy and angry!
In addition to the 'natural' finds on the beach, human behaviour continues to amuse . . . unfortunately could not capture the over-wing small black plane that flew by just above the water along the coast - a mystery.
And the umbrella is for ????
This man must own a kite store based on the number he flies
The umbrella person is back . . . not certain but think this is a beach scavenger with a metal detector.
Umbrella man or woman?
Another beautiful sunset - sigh
Sunday Times, but I am
in Paradise, so no need

The 'Attic Rat' has fixed our Ethernet, we have some more furniture (ie dresser drawers so our clothes have finally left the suitcase!!!!!), loss adjuster coming for damaged goods Monday, and a dining table to be delivered on Tuesday.  Plus we have done a little decorating - WoHoo!!

OK, with such good news, of course we have a little UK dilemma - this time a water bill 4 times normal and we aren't even there!  A suspected meter problem and no help from the water company, although our neighbours in Kent have been great!

The weather is cooling off to a high of 82 F and low in 60s (28 and 18 C respectively) and 'not a cloud to be seen all weekend' says the weatherman; no wonder mini me's ice cream craving is abating.

And finally we had a partial solar eclipse (with sunspots or flares) on Thursday the 23 October at sunset.  Must confess the 'afterglow' was better than the actual eclipse.  This after two blood moons this year!
Very partial (look to 2 o'clock) eclipse of the sun around 5:49 pm

And the more northerly view in Chicago - thanks sis


  1. Do you need to crochet some gloves as beech combing protection? ;)

  2. Yeh for blood red moon - well done!!! Mmmm yes to H's suggestion of gloves - I have some rather attractive black rubber ones that I have used to paint the fences with this year - shall I send them over!
