Friday 3 October 2014

Name that Turtle and BYOS Bring Your Own [toilet] Seat

BYOS Bring Your Own [toilet] Seat - You gotta laugh!

Fab news, we have a working toilet with 24 hours to spare before sis arrives!!

1970s TV now showing oldies
It doesn't have a seat, is crooked not square to the wall (and large gap with wall too), and doesn't match the bath (ie not to spec), but it isn't cracked and it does flush with a whoosh.  Yippee!

And really my B&W portable TV is working thanks to wonderful hubby!

HW suggested the turtle (see 29 Sept post) really needs a name, so all suggestions gratefully received.

He does have a face 'that speaks you' as my mother says.

and the birds have had a feeding frenzy.  I never tire of watching the pelicans swoop for fish.
Really must get a proper camera as CB says, especially as there was a fab moon out on 30 Sept.  Friday morning a lone dolphin was fishing within 15 feet of the shoreline, but was too quick for the camera.

Here's one for the purple Quirky - at long last I was up for a sunrise (Monday morning)!

All specs in water are birds; mainly brown pelicans 
Headlight of Beach Cleaning Tractor at 7:27am

Pelicans fishing at dawn