Monday 29 December 2014

Found Out & A Home At Last

My front door

Down comes the Christmas decoration, out goes the furniture for repairs, and up goes a photo from my sis. Turns out life size me is losing her British accent and the "usual debate" about her nationality has played out; she has been discovered as an American by her colleagues. Not that she hides this -- people just make assumptions. Hum, soon will be time for a trip to the UK to 'top up' her speech patterns.
Meanwhile the dolphin cruise boat is in search of its prey, right outside my window,

And the neighbours are catching dinner on our beach whilst mini me tries out her Christmas present from the Quirkies (a rubber ducky inter-tube!) with her new friend Swimmy, the turtle, standing by; she is thrilled to get her own taste of the pool! (Note:  turtle on wall is Sandy in honor of Grandpa!)
Drum fish for dinner
but after quick consultation
with wife via mobile he is thrown back

Our friend Jan is busy painting the church dolphin for the Dolphin Trail; looking beautiful Jan!

While others try to pretend it is Christmas up North; walking the beach we found this "sandman" impersonating a snowman - can you see him through the sand induced haze taking a picture at night - kind-of looks like a snowstorm!?!

Mini me and life size me are busy setting up their sewing room and hubby is making a headboard out of the leftovers from the bathroom tub paneling.

One thing I noticed in our renovation journey, is that US builders don't expect and don't accept any builders' tea or coffee offers!

Have you seen the advert showing in the UK for Clearwater-St Petersburg?  That's us!

So finally life-size me has gotten back to a few UFOs.  Progress is slow, but being made . . .

Trial & Error; done in a day!

Dahlia 1/2 done!
Learning crochet

Brit pillow ready for blocking

We're off to get ready for our New Year's Eve Party.


  1. Oh my!!! how did you persuade mini me to hover right at the edge of the pool??she looks like she is about to plunge in!!
    Dolphin walk looks fun ...I might have to pop by and do it ten times a day to walk off some calories!! Hope the NYE party goes well.

  2. Happy New Year! The renovations have finally come together. I like the bottle holder, really good trial and error.

  3. Happy New Year to you all (E P and of course Mini Me!!!) I'm so glad she's just that little bit safer now!!! Although I do feel Swimmy made be in need of a turtle ring now!!!! Look forward to seeing the Dolphins as you walk round! Very similar to Gromit Trail last year! Have a great Party tonight!
