Monday 14 April 2014

Culture Shock and Nesting

Coming into the end of week two at the beach, mini me is setting about making her condo a home.

First things first, she decides that Dahlia project must really progress as it is to be a wall quilt in the guest bedroom.

And of course there are builders to meet and decisions to be made -- trade-offs of desires, costs and the physical limitations of the building - concrete slab beach condo construction means moving things around is impossible as you would have to drill through concrete floors and ceilings.  So life sized me is coming to grips with the choices to be made ... looking at kitchens is the most fun ---
while hubby is doing the practical maintenance chores --- The tenants left a bit of a mess -- and a number of things need fixing and new parts in the short-term, including our hurricane shutters before "the season" starts 1 June.  Mini me is busy learning the evacuation route.

We have started talking to contractors -- they seem to do most of the talking -- very non-specific and "loosey goosey"  and all contradict each other about what can be done -- giving mini me a life sized headache trying to figure out the options and especially the best design of the kitchen space.  Would like to see a bit more creativity in them and of course there are differences in European/British and American design!

And of course mini me has to keep up this blog (whilst hubby is keeping  paper diary) -- and an eye on the beach activities outside her window.  Have noticed a trend to bicycle along the wet/hard sand area of the beach.  Life sized me is feeling a bit disoriented  and missing her friends and London activities  but then there is always the sun and beach .  Mini me has opted to try to stay with British blog and spelling to ease the transition.


  1. Oh heck! Id forgotton there might need to be spelling transition as well! but reassuring to know builders are the same the world over...keep 'em on their toes!!
    2 weekend till we can skype you into quirkies... must work out the time difference before then

  2. So glad mini me is helping out!!!! lol
