Wednesday 16 April 2014

Lunar Eclipse & Sand in the Eye


Having noticed the fabulous beach view of the moon, mini me decided to wake herself at 3 am on Tuesday the 15 April to see the 'blood red' full lunar eclipse (something seems appropriate here in the name blood red and the 15 April being US income tax filing due date).

Whilst the moon appeared more blood orange to mini me, it was worth the effort to be beach-side in the middle of the night -- perhaps a 'practice' for the loggerhead turtle hatching later in the year?
Tuesday morning saw a definite change of weather with the gentle waves turning into something akin to surfing breakers.  The wind blowing in from the west at first pushed the waves into the shoreline at a northeast angle, but by late afternoon at more of a southeast angle, both distinctly different from the normal 'straight on' gentle waves.  Whipping winds created sand swirls and blew the sand into the eyes - one distinct disadvantage of being beachside today.  Next came thunder and rainstorms. 

By Tuesday night the temperatures dipped into the 50s C (or 12-13C for British born mini-me) bringing in a fresh breeze great for sleeping.

And now as I write this Wed morning, breakers are calm, the joggers are back on the beach and the beach cleaning patrol is running up and down the beach.


  1. Love the orange/red moon - did take some cracking shots the other week - however just plain old white (or normal cheese colour!!) for me!! Looking at the beach I could just be tempted to jog myself - only tempted mind!!!! I hope you are able to walk everyday on the sand - I know only short distances until the ankle is fully working but a walk on the sand can do wonders for the mind and body!!!!

  2. Seriously impressed at the late night/ early finish for astronomy observations!
