Thursday 24 April 2014

True Floridian

Must get the screens redone!
Just so you don't think it is all sun and fun here on the Gulf Coast of Florida, we do get our raw and murky days; mini me thought the London weather was chasing her!  The gentle lapping sea, begins to have real waves and mother nature turns up the volume of the waves crashing onto the beach.  This doesn't stop the beach walkers nor the need to 'sweep' and rake the sand every morning.  The beach chairs are also put out whatever the weather.  And of course the sea turns interesting colours.

Mini Me swamped by choice
Murky weather allows life-sized me to get on with planning the condo renovation and visiting the neighbours to see what they have done.  Mini me helps putting the 'mood board' together, whilst hubby installs the 'London hotline' phone -- yes you can call our new London phone number and it rings here!
Big excitement of the week is .... there is a way to move the washer & dryer out of the kitchen into a new hallway cupboard - no small feat in a building with concrete floors, walls and ceilings; we may have found a builder to work with us and a car to purchase.  Plus !! -- Happily, early this morning life-size me and hubby obtained our Florida drivers licenses, a requirement soon after one moves to the state.  Interestingly this is not only important for driving (and purchasing a car), but serves as a general proof of residence and allows one to do things like get a library card.  Did I mention the sunrise is also beautiful?
Still hard to believe we are here 3 weeks now -- I love:
- the sun on the waves and the ever changing colours of the sea
- sound of birds - sea birds out the front and land birds out the back
- tropical flowering plants, the bottle brush only knee-high in our London garden, here grows as a small tree
- drawbridge which crosses the Intercoastal waterway linking the barrier island where we live to the peninsula (which is like the thumb of a mitten looking at the shape of the state of Florida) 
- 'camping' in the flat and realising you don't need much stuff to live pretty well
and we still miss the BBC!  But oh do I love those lovely playful pelicans!
Life sized me has noticed the people here work on 'beach time' -- ie arriving about 20 minutes after the agreed time.  Of course if you are looking at the beach and have a sunset like this even on a murky day -- who cares!  We've just cleaned and resealed the patio, so will be back out on it soon.

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1 comment:

  1. Lovong the sunsets ...and good to hear some of renovation ideas are taking shape....can you tell us more about playful pelicans? cant imagine what they get up to....
